Sarajevo on our motorbike
the biggest discover of our tour
This city, for us, is the one that never hates.
For every bosniac stop we have to say thank you to some persons, for this one the greetments may continue without end…thanks to the owner of the apartment where we stayed, thanks to his neighbour (in order to let the Ciccions sleeping in his garage he leaved HIS car outdoor), thanks to the man who tryed to help us understanding the menu, thanks to the rain, to stray dogs, to Sarajevo’s roses, to the man who built the tunnel that today is a museum, thanks to the old man on the bus, thanks to the policeman, to people on balconies, thanks because this is the fourth report about this trip I’m writing…but for the first time I’m choking back tears.
Thank you.
ADVICE: google maps won’t help you. Hardly ever.
Ask people and use a map, now there aren’t other way to move in the city.
What to see in Sarajevo
What to live in Sarajevo
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